It is now estimated that 2050 India will most likely overtake China to become the most populous country on the earth with 1.9% annual growth rate during 1991-2000.
Total population in India (2001) : 102,70,15,247
Total male population : 525748000
Total female population : 491267000
Decade growth Rate : 21.34% (Kerala - 9.42%, Nagaland - 64.41%, pondichery - 20.56%, Dadra Nagar Haveli - 59.20 %)
Most populated state : U.p. (16.60 crore), Maharastra, Bihar, W.B., Andra pradesh.
Most populated Union Territory : Delhi
Least Populated State : Sikkim ( 5,40,493)
Least Populated Union Territory : Laksha Dweep ( 60,595)
Union Density of population : 324 per Sq. km.
Most Densely populated State : West Bengal (904)
Most Densely populated U.T. : Delhi ( 9294)
Least Densely populated State : Arunachal Pradesh (13)
Least Densely populated U.T. : Andaman & Nicobar (43)
Union Sex Ratio : 933 female/ 1000 male
State with Max. Sex Ratio : Kerala (1058), Pondichery (1001), Haryana (861), U.T. with Max Sex Ratio : Daman& Diu (709)
Union Literacy Rate : 65.38% (male literacy rate 75.96%, female literacy rate 54.28%.)
State with Highest Literacy Rate : Kerala (90.92%),
U.T. with Highest Literacy Rate : Laksha Dweep (87.52%)
State with Lowest Literacy Rate : Bihar (47.53%),
U.T. with Lowest Literacy Rate : Dadra & Haveli (60.03%)
Highest Female Literate State : Kerala (87.86%)
Lowest Female Literate State : Bihar (33.57%)
Total rural population : 72.22%
Urban population : 27.78%
The 35 million cities make up 37.8% of total urban population greater Mumbai (164 lakh), Kolkata (132 lakh) Delhi (128 lakh).
Most literate District : Kottyam (Kerala)
Most poulous Dist. : North 24 pgs. (W.B.)
Least populous Dist. : Yanam (pondicherry), Upper S Stang (Arunachal)
Top sex ratio Dist. : Mahe (pondicherry), Almora (Uttaranchal)
Bottom Sex ratio Dist. : Daman (Daman & Diu), West kameng (Arunachal pradesh)
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