Dates and Events : World History

776 — First Olympic in Greece.
753 — Rome was established.
58 — Caesar’s invasion of Gaul.
55 — Roman invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar.
4 — Birth of Jesus Christ.

30 — Jesus Christ was crucified.
43 — Roman conquest of Britain.
570 — Birth of prophet Mohammad.
600 — The end of Roman Empire.
622 — Hijri Era (Calendar) started.
1215 — Signing of Magna Carta (June 15).
1348 — Black Death Plague in England.
1492 — Columbus sailed for the New World on his first voyage and discovered America.
1588 — Defeat of Spanish Armada.
1649 — King Charles I beheaded – Beginning of Commonwealth.
1660 — The restoration of British Monarchy.
1688 — Bloodless or Glorious Revolution in England
1689 — Establishment of British Constitutional Monarchy
1776 — Declaration of American Independence (July 4)
1789 — French Revolution (Aug 27), George Washington was elected as the first President of America.
1805 — Battle of Trafalgar ; British Fleet under Lord Nelson defeated French and Spanish fleets.
1815 — Battle of Waterloo (June 18). Exile of Napolean Bonaparte to St. Helena (Oct. 16).
1821 — Death of Napolean.
1832 — Reforms Bill passed. France captured Antwarp.
1833 — Emancipation Act of 1833 which abolished slavery in British dominions ; First British Factory Act.
1837 — Queen Victoria succeeds to the throne
1848 — Publication of the Communist Manifesto.
1854 — The Crimean War
1863 — Slavery abolished in the U.S.A. by a proclamation by President Lincoln.
1869 — Suez Canal opened for traffic
1877 — Queen Victoria was appointed as the Empress of India.
1878 — Cyprus ceded to Britain.
1901 — Death of Queen Victoria of England (Jan 22).
1904 — Russia-Japan War
1912 — Establishment of the Chinese Republic.
1914 — World War I (July 28)
1916 — Battle of Verdun (France) between France and Germany (during World War I) Feb. 21.
1917 — Revolution in Russia ; Bolsheviks come into power ending Tzar’s regime.
1918 — End of World War I (Nov. 11).
1919 — Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris.
1920 — League of Nations came formally into existence (Jan 13).
1924 — Death of Lenin.
1933 — Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
1936 — Abdieation of the throne of England by Edward VIII (Dec. 10).
1939 — World War II declared (Sept. 1).
1941 — Hitler invaded Russia. U.S.A. entered World War II (June 22) ,
● Japan attacked Pearl Harbour (Dec. 7).
1942 — Battle of El Alamein
1945 — Death of President F.D.Roosevelt of U.S.A. (Apr. 12).
● End of World War II against Germany officially declared (June 8)
● First Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima (Aug. 6)
● Second Atom Bomb dropped on Nagasaki (Aug. 9)
● United Nations comes into existence
1948 — Burma achieved independece (Oct. 24).
● Ceylon achieved independence (Feb.6).
● Jewish state of Israel formed in Palestine (May 14).
1949 — Indonesia was declared a Republic (Aug. 17).
1952 — Accession of Queen Elizabeth II of England.
1953 — Death of Stalin (Mar. 6). First conquest of Mt. Everest.
1954 — U.S.A. signed Military Aid Pact with Pakistan.
1955 — Austria declared independent (May 15).
● Afro-Asian Conference of 29 Nations held at Bandung.
1956 — Suez Canal nationalised by President Nasser (July 20)
1957 — Russia launched the first artificial satellite (Oct. 4).
1959 — Charles de Gaulle installed as France’s 17th President and the first President of the fifth Republic of France (Jan 8).
1960 — France exploded an atom bomb device in the Sahara (Africa) John F. Kennedy was elected President of the U.S.A. (Nov. 9)
1961 — Man’s first entry into space. Russia successfully launched her spaceship ‘VOSTOK-I’ carrying for the first time a human being Major Yuri Gagarin into space (April 12)
1963 — Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (Aug. 5). Malaysia, a new South-Asian State was formed (Sept. 16). President John F. Kennedy of U.S.A. was shot dead (Nov. 22)
1964 — China exploded her first atom bomb device (Oct. 16).
1965 — Death of Sir Winston Churchill (Jan. 24).
1966 — Tashkent Declaration between India and Pakistan signed (Jan.10)
Luna-9, a Russian spacecraft, soft-lands on the moon (Feb.24)
1967 — Gen. Suharto sworn in as President of Indonesia (March 12)
1968 — UNCTAD-II opens in New Delhi on Feb. 1.
1969 — Richard Nixon became 37th President of U.S.A. (Jan 20).
1970 — China became fifth space power (April 25) ; Fiji achieves independence
1971 — West Pakistan started genocide in Bangladesh (March 25) ;
● Apollo-15 launched. Man’s first drive on the Moon (July 26)
1972 — Sheikh Mujibur Rehman released (Jan 8) and he assumed Prime Ministership of Bangladesh Republic (Jan 12).
● Ceylon became Sri Lanka Republic.
1973 — Fourth Non-aligned summit in Algiers. Fourth Arab-Israel war broke out.
1975 — China announced new Constitution (Jan. 19).
● Cambodia Government surrendered to Red forces (April. 17).
● Suez canal reopened.
1976 — Death of Chou En-lai, Prime Minister of China (Jan. 8). Death of Mao Tse-Tung (Sept. 9).
1977 — Jimmy Carter became the 39th President of the U.S.A. (Jan 20). Leonid Breznev, the Soviet Communist Party General Secretary, elected President of the Soviet Union (June 16)
1978 — Israel-Egypt peace conference (Jan. 17)
1979 — Shah of Iran quits his country. Ayatollah Khomeini proclaimed President of Iran.
1980 — Rhodesia achieved independence and named Zimbabwe. Sino-Soviet Treaty expired. Undeclared war started between Iran and Iraq.
1981 — Ronald Regan sworn in as the the 40th President of the U.S.A. The U.S.A. launched space shuttle ‘Columbia’.

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