R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre.) Examination, 2007 : Political Science

(Held on 23-12-2007)
1. When a Governor reserves a bill passed by the State Legislature ?
(A) He may be impeached
(B) He sends it to the President
(C) He may help the bill pending indefinitely
(D) He may give assent to the bill later

2. Match the following features of Indian Constitution and their sources—
(a) Bill of Right and Judicial Review.
(b) Parliamentary System of Democracy.
(c) Directive Principles.
(d) Residuary Powers with Centre.
1. England
2. Ireland
3. U.S.A.
4. Canada
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 2 3
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 3 1 2 4

3. A uniform civil code has been recommended in the Directive Principles to ensure—
(A) Economic equality
(B) National security
(C) National integration
(D) Support for weaker sections of society

4. Indian Institute of Public Administration is situated at—
(A) Delhi
(B) Madras
(C) Calcutta
(D) Bombay

5. Which of the following Newspaper is not associated with Gandhiji ?
(A) The Statesman
(B) Harijan
(C) Young India
(D) Indian Opinion

6. The Bureaucratic model set-up in India by the British Government are based on the theory given by—
(A) Weber
(B) Macaulay
(C) Michels
(D) Macpherson

7. Which Article of Indian Constitution guarantees constitutional protection to our civil servants ? (A) 311
(B) 312
(C) 313
(D) 315

8. Which Constitutional Amendment is related to Panchayati Raj ?
(A) 52nd
(B) 62nd
(C) 72nd
(D) 73rd

9. In which year, the National Commission for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe was created ?
(A) 1989
(B) 1990
(C) 1991
(D) 1996

10. Who was the author of ‘Arthasastra’ ?
(A) Kautilya
(B) Adam Smith
(C) Patanjali
(D) Malthus

11. Who burnt Hobbs’ book ‘Leviathan’ ?
(A) Clarenden
(B) Palmastene
(C) Duguit
(D) Crawe

12. In India the power of Judicial review is enjoyed by the—
(A) High Court only
(B) Supreme Court only
(C) Supreme Court and High Court only
(D) Parliament

13. What are the essential elements of the State ?
(A) Population, Territory, Constitution, Power
(B) Population, Territory, Government, Sovereignty
(C) Population, Territory, Political Party, Sovereignty
(D) Population, Power, Authority, Sovereignty

14. Which of the following Theories of Origin of State is more appropriate and reliable as it is based on scientific base ?
(A) Divine Origin of State
(B) Force Theory
(C) Evolutionary Theory
(D) Social Contract Theory

15. Marxism believes that the State is—
(A) social welfare organization
(B) a necessary evil
(C) an instrument of exploitation
(D) an essentially good

16. In the Indian Constitution the word secularism means—
(A) State has a religion of its own
(B) State has nothing to do with religion
(C) State has irreligious
(D) State tolerates religion without professing any particular religion

17. Who presides over the Joint Session of the two Houses of the Parliament ?
(A) President of India
(B) Speaker of Lok-Sabha
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Leader of Ruling Party

18. The minimum age for becoming President of India is—
(A) 25 years
(B) 21 years
(C) 35 years
(D) 18 years

19. Who was the Chairman of the “Drafting Committee in the Constituent Assembly” ?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(C) J. L. Nehru
(D) B. N. Rao

20. Through which Amendment was the word ‘Socialism’ added to the Constitution ?
(A) 42nd Amendment
(B) 43rd Amendment
(C) 44th Amendment
(D) 45th Amendment

21. Which of the following technique is not adopted by the Pressure Groups ?
(A) Gherao
(B) Lobbying
(C) Propaganda
(D) Directly Contesting Election

22. The United Nations is financed by—
(A) The contribution from the Member-States
(B) Switzerland
(C) Russia
(D) America

23. Article 21 deals with which Fundamental Right ?
(A) Right to Property
(B) Right to Freedom
(C) Right to Life and Personal Liberty
(D) Right to Freedom of Religion

24. Which one of the following welfare ideals is not found in the list of Directive Principles ?
(A) Compulsory Primary Education
(B) Equal Pay for equal work
(C) Promoting Health Services
(D) Compulsory Employment

25. The mediator in Aceh Peace Accord in 2005 was—
(A) Finland
(B) Philippines
(C) Laos
(D) Singapore

26. 13th SAARC Summit was organized in—
(A) Bangladesh
(B) India
(C) Pakistan
(D) Nepal

27. The Corruption Treaty of U.N.O. is effected from—
(A) October 2005
(B) November 2005
(C) December 2005
(D) January 2005

28. Which Amendment was passed for Private Reservation Bill on December 2005 ?
(A) 102
(B) 103
(C) 104
(D) 105

29. The 6th Schedule of Constitution is not applied on the State—
(A) Assam
(B) Meghalaya
(C) Tripura
(D) Manipur

30. The number of Judges in International Court of Justice are—
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 11
(D) 14

31. Presently how many members are in U.N.O. ?
(A) 189
(B) 191
(C) 185
(D) 193

32. Presently how many members are in ‘NATO’ ?
(A) 26
(B) 15
(C) 18
(D) 12

33. Which Five Year Plan’s main aim was ‘Removal of Poverty’ ?
(A) 4th Five Year Plan
(B) 5th Five Year Plan
(C) 6th Five Year Plan
(D) 7th Five Year Plan

34. ‘Politics is struggle for power’ is said by—
(A) Marganthau
(B) Kwisy Right
(C) Sprout
(D) Thomson

35. In India the work of Budget forming is performed by—
(A) Planning Commission
(B) Public Service Committee
(C) Finance Minister
(D) Finance Commission

36. Which one of the following Commissions was constituted to examine the Centre-State relations ?
(A) Sarkaria Commission
(B) Shah Commission
(C) Bachhavat Commission
(D) Jain Commission

37. The first State where the Panchayati Raj System was implemented ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Uttar Pradesh

38. Who was U.N. Secretary-General in 2006 ?
(A) Trygve Lie
(B) Kofi Annan
(C) V. Thant
(D) Javier Perez

39. Why did Gandhiji abruptly stop the Non-cooperation Movement of 1922 ?
(A) For the harsh attitude of British
(B) Because of pact between Congress and British
(C) Because of violence broke at Chauri-Chaura
(D) Because of unanimous decision of Congress

40. Khilafat Movement subsided because of—
(A) The concession given to the Muslim by the British
(B) The accession of Kamal Pasha to the throne of Turkey
(C) The understanding reached between the Congress and the Muslim League
(D) None of the above

41. The slogan ‘Swaraj is my Birth Right’ was given by—
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C) Lokmanya Tilak
(D) Bipin Chandra Pal

42. The concept of ‘Rule of Law’ was given by—
(A) A.V. Dicey
(B) Laski
(C) Austin
(D) Maciver

43. Which one of the following is not a fundamental Right ?
(A) Right of Life
(B) Right to Liberty
(C) Right to Property
(D) Right to Freedom of Expression

44. The name of revolutionary leader, who killed General O’Dyer, responsible for Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy was—
(A) Madan Lal Dhingra
(B) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(C) Bhagat Singh
(D) Udham Singh

45. The centre-point of International Relations is—
(A) Struggle
(B) Power
(C) National Interest
(D) None of the above

46. Indian system is—
(A) Federal
(B) Quasi-federal
(C) Unitary
(D) Federal with unitary bias

47. India began NAM in—
(A) 1961
(B) 1954
(C) 1973
(D) 1978

48. Sino-Indian War occurred in—
(A) 1961
(B) 1962
(C) 1948
(D) 1947

49. The major irritant in Indo-Pak relations is—
(A) Kashmir Issue
(B) Sir Creek Line
(C) Division of River Water
(D) Issue of Disarmament

50. The Indo-US Nuclear Agreement is related to—
(A) Civil Nuclear Cooperation
(B) Military and Civil Nuclear Cooperation
(C) Capping of Indian Nuclear Programme
(D) None of the above

51. ‘Panchayat Raj’ Amendment Act is known as—
(A) 73rd Amendment
(B) 74th Amendment
(C) 75th Amendment
(D) 76th Amendment

52. Who is known as a ‘Prophet of empty liberty’ ?
(A) Bentham
(B) Mill
(C) Laski
(D) Maciver

53. Which is not a key feature of State ?
(A) State is sovereign
(B) The State is an exercise in legislation
(C) The State is an instrument of domination
(D) The State is not a territorial association

54. “The State is both the Child and Parent of Law.” Whose statement is this ?
(A) Maciver
(B) Laski
(C) Coker
(D) Holland

55. Who made the statement “State is prior to individual” ?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Cicero
(D) Augustine

56. Who among the following is the first modern Thinker ?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Acquinas
(D) Machiavelli

57. The most powerful advocate of Absolute Sovereignty was—
(A) Hobbes
(B) Rousseau
(C) Bentham
(D) Mill

58. Who said Politics as the “authoritative allocation of values” ?
(A) Easton
(B) Samuel Johnson
(C) Machiavelli
(D) Lord Acton

59. Who said “Politics is both Science and Art” ?
(A) Laswell
(B) Kaplan
(C) Michel Curtis
(D) Tritschke

60. Who said “If liberty and law do not quarrel, liberty may quarrel with itself” ?
(A) Laski
(B) Maciver
(C) Barker
(D) Maxey

61. In the view of Green, the three obstacles to freedom are—
(A) Religion, Ignorance and Poverty
(B) Family, Government and Religion
(C) Ignorance, Drunkenness and Poverty
(D) None of these

62. Who among the following regarded as Medieaval Aristotle ?
(A) St. Augustine
(B) St. Thomas Acquinas
(C) Marsiglio of Paduc
(D) John Salisbury

63. Which among the following is not a natural right according to Locke ?
(A) Life
(B) Liberty
(C) Property
(D) Equality

64. Who said that imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism ?
(A) Lenin
(B) Stalin
(C) Mao
(D) Marx

65. The term Socialism was first used by—
(A) Marx
(B) Robert Owen
(C) Lenin
(D) Mao

66. Who wrote the book “Local and Regional Government” ?
(A) G.D.H. Cole
(B) Carl Friedrich
(C) Maciver
(D) Gandhi

67. Greek Philosopher gave supreme importance to—
(A) Individual
(B) State
(C) Community
(D) King

68. An Estimate Committee is—
(A) Permanent
(B) Temporary
(C) Both
(D) None of these

69. Who is considered as the Founder of Welfare State on the moral basis ?
(A) Kant
(B) Bosanquet
(C) Green
(D) Rousseau

70. Which Political Scientist gave a new dimension to the concept of Justice, Liberalism and Equality ?
(A) John Rawls
(B) Arthur Bentley
(C) Karl Marx
(D) Hans Morgenthau

71. Who wrote Parliament ?
(A) Jennings
(B) Strong
(C) Jenks
(D) Corry

72. Who said that “State is Particular portion of mankind viewed as an organised” ?
(A) Bluntschelli
(B) Hegel
(C) Burgess
(D) Leacock

73. The most clear exposition of the ‘rule of law’ was provided by—
(A) George Washington
(B) Jean Bodin
(C) Ivar Jennings
(D) A. V. Dicey

74. Who said Sovereignty was the fullness of State ?
(A) The Greeks
(B) The English
(C) The Romans
(D) The Indians

75. The chief proponent of the Theory of Natural Right are—
(A) John Locke and Thomas Paine
(B) Lasswell and Kaplan
(C) Hegel and Kant
(D) Durkheim and Weber

76. Who is the author of ‘Two Concept of Liberty’ ?
(A) Mill
(B) Isciah Berlin
(C) Laski
(D) Macpherson

77. “Pain and Pressure and the two sovereign matter”, is said by—
(A) Hobbes
(B) Hegel
(C) Machiavelli
(D) Bentham

78. Who defined democracy as “a Government in which everyone has a share” ?
(A) Bryce
(B) Seeley
(C) Laski
(D) Lincoln

79. Who wrote the book “Social Principles and the Democratic State” ?
(A) Benn and Peters
(B) C.E.M. Joad
(C) Barker
(D) Hocking

80. Who propagated “The greatest happiness to the greatest number” ?
(A) Marxists
(B) Utilitarians
(C) Liberals
(D) Pluralists

81. According to Kautilya, ‘Trivarg’ includes
(A) Arth-Kama-Dharma
(B) Arth-Kama-Moksha
(C) Dharma-Artha-Moksha
(D) Arth-Dharma-Moksha

82. Who stated that pressure group have acquired the name of the ‘Third House’ ?
(A) Laski
(B) Finer
(C) Bryce
(D) Dicey

83. Which Article of the Constitution defines the duties of Chief Minister ?
(A) Article 163
(B) Article 164
(C) Article 166
(D) Article 167

84. Regarding the re-election of the Vice-President our—
(A) Constitution prescribes reelection only once
(B) Constitution places a clear ban
(C) Constitution is absolutely silent
(D) Constitution prescribes reelection for a maximum period of two terms

85. The philosophical basis of negative liberalism is—
(A) Individualism
(B) Capitalism
(C) Communism
(D) None of the above

86. Which one of the following are the devices of democracy which are commonly practised in modern times ?
1. Widening of the Electorate.
2. Frequent Election.
3. Local Self Government.
4. Responsibility of the Government to the majority party.
Select correct answers from the following—
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

87. Who said “A strong middle-class is the backbone of democracy” ?
(A) Aristotle
(B) Garner
(C) Plato
(D) H. G. Wells

88. Indian Administration is influenced by which of the following factors ?
(A) Federalism
(B) Parliamentary Democracy
(C) Planning
(D) All of the above

89. Treaty of Versailles is related to—
(A) Korean Crisis
(B) First World War
(C) Afghanistan Crisis
(D) Second World War

90. Who heads the Meeting of Committee of Secretaries ?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Cabinet Secretary
(C) Home Secretary
(D) Defence Secretary

91. NATO was set up in the year—
(A) 1948
(B) 1949
(C) 1951
(D) 1952

92. At which place Churchill give his speech regarding Cold War ?
(A) London
(B) Fulton
(C) Paris
(D) Berlin

93. Who observed that universal adult franchise is not really universal ?
(A) G. D. H. Cole
(B) G. B. Shaw
(C) G. W. F. Hegel
(D) Gilchrist

94. Input-ouput model is chiefly attributed to—
(A) Peter Merkl
(B) Roburt Dahl
(C) David Easton
(D) David Apter

95. In which part of the Constitution proclaims India to be a welfare State ?
(A) Part III
(B) Part IV
(C) Part IX
(D) Part VI

96. Which of the following included in the State list in the Constitution of India ?
1. Police
2. Law and order
3. Prisons
4. Criminal Procedure Code
Choose correct answers from the code given below—
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1, 2 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 2, 3 and 4

97. Which of the following are not matched properly ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi–Non-cooperation Movement
(B) Vinoba Bhave–Bhoodan
(C) M. N. Roy–Partyless Democracy
(D) J. L. Nehru–Democratic Socialism

98. National Development Council was established in—
(A) August 1951
(B) August 1947
(C) August 1952
(D) August 1950

99. Which U.S. Resolution proposed the ‘STAR-WARS’ programme ?
(A) Nixon
(B) Kennedy
(C) Reagan
(D) Bush

100. The Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens are contained in—
(A) Part I of the Constitution
(B) Part III of the Constitution
(C) Part IV of the Constitution
(D) None of the above

Answers with Hints
1. (B) According to Article 200 of the Constitution, the Governor may reserve any bill passed by state legislature for the consideration of the President.
2. (D)
3. (C) Uniform civil code means common family and marriage laws for all classes of citizens including minorities. At present, the uniform civil code is not applicable in case of Muslims. The implementation of the uniform civil code for all sections of people will promote national integration.
4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (B)
7. (A) As per the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution, no member of state or Union Civil Service shall be removed from his post or reduced in rank by an authority below than the appointing authority and without
conducting a proper inquiry in which such member is given opportunity to represent himself.
8. (D) The 73rd Constitution Amendment bill was passed by Lok Sabha on December 22, 1992 and by Rajya Sabha on December 23, 1992. This Amendment Act became effective on April 24, 1993.
9. (B) Under Article 338 of the Constitution, the National Commission of SC/ST was established vide 65th Constitution Amendment Act, 1990.
10. (A) 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (C)
15. (C) According to Karl Marx, the State is a class institution, which becomes a tool in the hands of capitalists for the exploitation of proletariat or working class.
16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (B)
20. (A) The three words–‘socialist’, ‘secular’ and ‘integrity’ were added in the preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976.
21. (D) The basic difference between the pressure groups and political parties is that the pressure groups do not contest elections to capture political power. Pressure groups put pressure on the government in order to realize their objectives.
22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (D) 25. (A)
26. (A) The 13th SAARC Summit was held on November 12 and 13, 2005 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
27. (C) 28. (C)
29. (D) The 6th Schedule of the Constitution makes provision for the administration of Tribal Areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
30. (A)
31. (B) At present, there are 192 members in the United Nations.
32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (C)
36. (A) The Sarkaria Commission, named after justice Ranjit Singh Sarkaria, was set up in 1983 to examine the Centre-State relations. The Commission was setup by the Union Government and submitted its report in 1988.
37. (C) The Panchayati Raj System was launched on October 2, 1959 at Nagore (Rajasthan) by the Prime Minister, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru.
38. (B) 39. (C) 40. (B) 41. (C) 42. (A)
43. (C) The Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th Constitution Amendment Act, 1978 and it was made as a legal right.
44. (D) 45. (C) 46. (D)
47. (A) The First Non-Aligned Summit was held in 1961 at Belgrade, the capital of Yogoslavia, in which 25 member countries participated.
48. (B) 49. (A) 50. (A) 51. (A)
52. (B) Barker has termed Mill as the prophet of empty liberty.
53. (D) Definite territory is the essential element of State.
54. (A) 55. (B) 56. (D) 57. (A) 58. (A) 59. (C) 60. (D) 61. (C) 62. (B) 63. (D) 64. (A) 65. (B) 66. (A)
67. (C) The Greek Philosophers did not make distinction between the state and society. For them the State is the community itself.
68. (A) 69. (C) 70. (A) 71. (A) 72. (C) 73. (D) 74. (D) 75. (A) 76. (B) 77. (D) 78. (B) 79. (A)
80. (B) The doctrine of utilitarianism of was propounded by J. Bentham.
81. (A)
82. (B) Due to important role of pressure groups in the USA politics, they are termed as the third Chamber of Congress. (the US Legislature)
83. (D) According to Article 167, it is the duty of Chief Minister to inform the Governor about the decisions of the Cabinet and the legislature proposals of the Government.
84. (C) 85. (A)
86. (C) The Government is equally responsible to both majority party and other parties.
87. (D) 88. (D)
89. (B) The treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 after the end of First World War (1914-1918). The treaty also provided for the establishment of league of Nations.
90. (B) 91. (B)
92. (B) The speech given by Mr. Churchill at Fulton on March 5, 1946 is termed as the beginning of cold war in world politics.
93. (A) 94. (C)
95. (B) The part IV of the Constitution provides for the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) the idea of Welfare State is inherent in these Directive Principles.
96. (A) The criminal procedure code finds mention in the concurrent list given in the 7th schedule of the Constitution.
97. (C) The idea of party-less democracy was given by Jai Prakash Narayan. The main idea of M. N. Roy is the idea of New-Humanism.
98. (C) 99. (C)
100. (C) The Fundamental Duties of the citizens are mentioned in part IV-A of the Constitution. These duties were included in the Constitution by the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976.

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