Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre.) Exam., 2006 : Geography

(Held on 9-3-2008)
1. The longest inland waterways in the world is—
(A) Mississippi river system
(B) The Great Lakes
(C) St. Lawrence
(D) River Rhine

2. Which one of the following countries has the highest average of road length on per thousand square kilometres of area basis ?
(A) India
(B) Japan
(C) U.S.A.
(D) France

3. Who said, “Similar locations lead to similar mode of life” ?
(A) F. Ratzel
(B) Carl Ritter
(C) Alexander Von Humboldt
(D) E. C. Semple

4. The Red Indians or American Indians belong to the—
(A) Mongolian race
(B) Caucasoid race
(C) Australoid race
(D) Negrito race

5. Which of the following States was formed exclusively by the migrants in the 20th Century ?
(A) Maldives
(B) Mauritius
(C) Israel
(D) Myanmar

6. Which one of the following regions practising most intensive subsistance farming ?
(A) Pampas region
(B) Murray-Darling Basin
(C) California Valley
(D) Monsoon Asia

7. The ‘Hottentots’ are the—
(A) Pigmies of Congo basin
(B) Negrito of Sri Lanka having brown colour
(C) Yellow skin colour of South-West Africa
(D) Negritoes of Eastern-Africa

8. The determining factor of population region is—
(A) Birth rate
(B) Death rate
(C) Density of population
(D) Above all

9. By which theory does the population increase geometrically ?
(A) Optimum Population Theory
(B) Malthusian Theory of Population
(C) Logestic Curve Theory
(D) Theory of Demographic Transition

10. Hunting Instrument Harpoon is used by—
(A) Bushman
(B) Eskimo
(C) Papuan
(D) Vedda

11. The leading sulphur producing country in the world is—
(A) U.S.A.
(B) Russia
(C) Japan
(D) U.K.

12. ‘Craal’ is a house of—
(A) Bushman
(B) Beddo
(C) Masai
(D) Semang

13. Optimum Population Theory is propounded by—
(A) Edwin Cannon
(B) Malthus
(C) Clarke
(D) Talber

14. What is ‘Karaganda’ ?
(A) An animal
(B) A mountain
(C) A coalfield
(D) An ocean deep

15. What is ‘Hebrew’ ?
(A) An animal
(B) A language
(C) A river
(D) A plant

16. Which of the following is called the Plateau Continent ?
(A) South America
(B) Asia
(C) Africa
(D) Europe

17. Which industry is most important in South-West Asia ?
(A) Iron and Steel Industry
(B) Petro-chemical Industry
(C) Heavy Engineering Industry
(D) Textile Industry

18. In general the most fertile layer of the soil is—
(A) ‘B’ Layer
(B) ‘A’ Layer
(C) ‘C’ Layer
(D) None of the above

19. The most important factor to control the growth and types of forests is—
(A) Soil types
(B) Climate
(C) Underground water
(D) Soil fertility

20. ‘Mediterranean Sea Forests’ are found in the areas—
(A) Between 10°N to 10°S latitudes
(B) Between 20°N to 30°N latitudes
(C) Between 30° to 45° latitudes in the western parts of continents
(D) Between 60° to 65° latitudes

21. The maximum mica producing country is—
(A) India
(B) China
(C) Canada
(D) Japan

22. Which region is called the ‘Rice Bowl of China’ ?
(A) Hwang Ho Valley
(B) Yangtse Basin
(C) Sinkiang
(D) Chunking

23. Tropical cyclones are known as Hurricanes in—
(A) Philippines
(B) Australia
(C) Bay of Bengal
(D) West Indies

24. Whose names are associated with the ‘Concept of Geosyncline’ ?
(A) Penk and Davis
(B) Woolridge and Morgan
(C) Hall and Dana
(D) Woolridge and La Pichon

25. Which is the second major population cluster of the world ?
(A) Western Europe
(B) South Asia
(C) Anglo-America
(D) Nile Delta

26. Bushman are the dwellers of—
(A) Congo Basin
(B) Amazon Basin
(C) Kalahari
(D) Sri Lanka

27. A graph showing the relationship between rainfall and temperature for all months of a year for a place is called—
(A) Climograph
(B) Climatograph
(C) Hythergraph
(D) None of the above

28. The actual heights of places above the sea level are shown by—
(A) Spot heights
(B) Contour
(C) Hachure
(D) Hill shading

29. At the time of neap tide the position of the Earth is—
(A) Quadrature
(B) Conjunction
(C) Opposition
(D) Syzygy

30. Average depth of continental shelf is—
(A) 100 Fathoms
(B) 200 Fathoms
(C) 300 Fathoms
(D) 400 Fathoms

31. If temperature is more, then air pressure is—
(A) More
(B) Medium
(C) Low
(D) Very low

32. By which Relative humidity is calculated ?
(A) Simple thermometer
(B) Maximum and minimum thermometer
(C) Dry and wet bulb thermometer
(D) Barometer

33. ‘White Coal’ is called—
(A) Petroleum
(B) Hydro-electricity
(C) Lignite
(D) All of the above

34. The formation of ‘yardang’ is due to—
(A) Erosion by wind
(B) Deposition by wind
(C) Transportation by wind
(D) None of the above

35. Which of the following rivers has a cuspate delta ?
(A) Mississippi
(B) Niger
(C) Nile
(D) Tiber

36. Grand Bank is situated in—
(A) Atlantic Ocean
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) Arctic Sea

37. “Geography is orderly knowledge of the diversity of the Earth as the World of man.” Whose statement is this ?
(A) Hetner
(B) Brunches
(C) Broek
(D) Ptolemy

38. Thornthwaite’s climate classification base is—
(A) Air pressure
(B) Vegetation
(C) Temperature
(D) Rainfall

39. Which of the following is cultural landscape ?
(A) City
(B) Crater
(C) Waterfall
(D) Alluvial Fan

40. Between which of the following Latitudes is the Sudan type climate found ?
(A) 5° N to 5° S
(B) 5° NS to 20° NS
(C) 8° NS to 30° NS
(D) 20° NS to 30° NS

41. Name the wind which changes its direction according to the weather.
(A) Chinook
(B) Loo
(C) Monsoon
(D) Mistral

42. By which is the Blind Valley formed ?
(A) Glacier
(B) River
(C) Sea-waves
(D) Underground water

43. Sand is formed by the process of—
(A) Corrosion
(B) Attrition
(C) Solution
(D) Deflation

44. Which of the following is called ‘Ring of Fire’ ?
(A) Circum-Pacific Ocean Belt
(B) Indian Ocean Belt
(C) Atlantic Ocean Belt
(D) Arctic Belt

45. Select the place that is not matched with others.
(A) Kandla
(B) Vishakhapattanam
(C) Kolkata
(D) Kanpur

46. The actual oldest folded mountain in India is—
(A) Himalaya
(B) Satpura
(C) Nilgiri
(D) Aravalli

47. The State with highest number of inhabited village is—
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Orissa
(D) Bihar

48. Sex-ratio in Uttarakhand is—
(A) 900
(B) 964
(C) 1001
(D) 982

49. Which of the following tribes does not belong to Uttarakhand ?
(A) Vanraji
(B) Tharu
(C) Gond
(D) Boxa

50. Who was the writer of the book “A Hundred Years of Geography” ?
(A) T. W. Freeman
(B) F. Ratzel
(C) R. L. Singh
(D) E. Kant

51. The concept of Neo-determinism was propounded by—
(A) J. Brunhes
(B) E. Huntington
(C) F. Ratzel
(D) G. Taylor

52. Which of the following is different from other three ?
(A) Ptolemy
(B) St. Beatus
(C) Idrisi
(D) Abu Zaid

53. Which of the following is not a base for Racial classification ?
(A) Shape of nose
(B) Skin colour
(C) Language
(D) Cross-section of hair

54. ‘Location’ means—
(A) Site
(B) Situation
(C) Site and situation
(D) None of the above

55. Urban villages are generally found in—
(A) U.S.A.
(B) China
(C) India
(D) Sri Lanka

56. Nebular Hypothesis was propounded by—
(A) Kant
(B) Laplace
(C) Molten
(D) Hoyal

57. The uppermost layer of the atmosphere is called—
(A) Ozonosphere
(B) Ionosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Stratosphere

58. ‘The present is the key to the past.’ Who said this ?
(A) W. D. Thornbury
(B) James Hutton
(C) R. J. Small
(D) S. Schumm

59. ‘Landscape is a function of structure, process and time.’ With whom this statement is related ?
(A) W. Penk
(B) O. D. Von Engel
(C) A. N. Strahler
(D) W. M. Davis

60. The Central Meridian indicated by a line half the length of the equator represents—
(A) Mercator projection
(B) Polyconic projection
(C) Bonne projection
(D) Mollweide projection

61. ‘India is par excellence a country of villages.’ Who said this ?
(A) Brunhes
(B) Blache
(C) Finch and Trewartha
(D) Huntington

62. Which of the following is not important in the classification of air masses ?
(A) Temperature
(B) Humidity
(C) Source region
(D) Pressure

63. Which of the following linear scale is suitable for reading a distance of 5 km, 10 m and 100 cm ?
(A) Comparative scale
(B) Plain scale
(C) Diagonal scale
(D) Time scale

64. A person starts walking towards East and after some distance, takes a left turn and continuous again, after some distance, he turns right and again to his left and continuous walking. In which direction he is walking now ?
(A) West
(B) East
(C) South
(D) North

65. Silent Valley Agitation is related to—
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Uttarakhand
(C) U.S.A.
(D) Kerala

66. El Nino is related to—
(A) Bone
(B) Film
(C) Climate
(D) Plant

67. Indian Daily Weather Report is published from—
(A) Delhi
(B) Pune
(C) Dehradun
(D) Kolkata

68. Where is agriculture called Ladang ?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Malaysia
(C) India
(D) Myanmar

69. The maximum production of cotton industry is in—
(A) Gujarat
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Uttar Pradesh

70. When did the rail transport start in India ?
(A) 1951
(B) 1853
(C) 1961
(D) 1890

71. Which of the following is the largest coal field in India ?
(A) Jharia
(B) Raniganj
(C) Bokaro
(D) Giridih

72. Ganga is navigable between—
(A) Haridwar and Kanpur
(B) Allahabad and Varanasi
(C) Patna and Kolkata
(D) Allahabad and Haldia

73. The upper course of Damodar river occupies a—
(A) Rift Valley
(B) Synclinal Valley
(C) Proded Valley
(D) Depositional Valley

74. Which of the following dam is not meant for irrigation ?
(A) Bhawani Sagar
(B) Sivasamundram
(C) Krishnaraja Sagar
(D) Bhakra Nangal

75. As per 2001 Census of India, the number of million cities is—
(A) 25
(B) 30
(C) 35
(D) 40

76. What is ‘Gomia’ in Jharkhand known for ?
(A) Coal fields
(B) Manganese mining
(C) Fertilizer plant
(D) Explosive factory

77. Xerophytic vegetation is a characteristic feature of—
(A) Chota Nagpur Plateau
(B) Khasi Hills
(C) Eastern Ghats
(D) Kachchh

78. According to 2001 Census, the density of population in Uttarakhand is—
(A) 160 persons per sq km
(B) 158 persons per sq km
(C) 157 persons per sq km
(D) 159 persons per sq km

79. Which of the following rivers does not originate nearby the Manasarowar Lake ?
(A) Indus
(B) Satluj
(C) Chenab
(D) Brahmaputra

80. ‘E’ type climate in India is found in—
(A) Himalaya
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Thar
(D) Konkan

81. The dominants rural settlement pattern along the coastal region of Kerala is known as—
(A) Clustered
(B) Compact
(C) Nucleated
(D) Dispersed

82. ‘Mangrove Vegetation’ in India is most extensively found in—
(A) Malabar Coast
(B) The Sunderbans
(C) The Rann of Kachchh
(D) Coastal Orissa

83. In which State of India, the Bhilai Iron and Steel Plant is located ?
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Orissa
(C) Bihar
(D) Chhattisgarh

84. The earlier name of the present Jim Corbett National Park established in 1936 was—
(A) Garhwal National Park
(B) Hely National Park
(C) Ramganga National Park
(D) Happy National Park

85. Which State of India has maximum percentage of land under forest ?
(A) Mizoram
(B) Meghalaya
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Himachal Pradesh

86. Where the First Biosphere Reserve of India is situated ?
(A) Nanda Devi
(B) Sundarban
(C) Great Nicobar
(D) Nilgiri

87. According to the 2001 Census, the sex-ratio of India is—
(A) 927
(B) 933
(C) 930
(D) 940

88. The source area of Alaknanda river is—
(A) Milam Glacier
(B) Poting Glacier
(C) Satopanth Glacier
(D) Bandarpunch Glacier

89. In which district of Uttarakhand has the lowest density of population ?
(A) Uttarkashi
(B) Chamoli
(C) Pithoragarh
(D) Tehri Garhwal

90. By which tribe marriage is called Bapla ?
(A) Santhal
(B) Gond
(C) Tharu
(D) Bhil

91. ‘Gangotri’ is situated on the bank of river—
(A) Alaknanda
(B) Bhagirathi
(C) Pindar
(D) Mandakini

92. In the Garhwal Himalaya, the ‘Bugyal’ is called for—
(A) Mountain slope
(B) Coniferous forests
(C) High altitude pasture lands
(D) Snow fields

93. In which year Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) established by Jamshedji Tata began its production ?
(A) 1910
(B) 1911
(C) 1920
(D) 1921

94. Out of these which town has more urban population ?
(A) Kashipur
(B) Rishikesh
(C) Roorkee
(D) Rudrapur

95. Date on which a severe Earthquake occurred in and around ‘Chamoli’.
(A) March 28, 1999
(B) April 28, 1998
(C) June 08, 1997
(D) March 20, 1996

96. The term ‘Khadar’ means—
(A) New alluvial soils
(B) Dry sandy soils
(C) Old alluvial soils
(D) Semi-black soils

97. ‘Pushpawati’ National Park is located in the district of—
(A) Rudraprayag
(B) Uttar Kashi
(C) Chamoli
(D) Pithoragarh

98. The year on which Rajaji National Park was established—
(A) 1986
(B) 1980
(C) 1990
(D) 1983

99. Which district of Uttarakhand State is the largest in size ?
(A) Chamoli
(B) Uttar Kashi
(C) Almora
(D) Pithoragarh

100. Which one of the following districts of Uttarakhand is smallest in size ?
(A) Champawat
(B) Haridwar
(C) Bageshwar
(D) Rudraprayag

101. Which one of the following is most abundant in Kerala ?
(A) Thorium
(B) Uranium
(C) Mica
(D) Monazite

102. In terms of geographical size, the position of India in the world is—
(A) Sixth
(B) Seventh
(C) Fifth
(D) Tenth

103. Which of the following is not a mountain ?
(A) Mahabaleshwar
(B) Kalusubai
(C) Salher
(D) Garsopa

104. In between which latitudes of the following, lies the beet of ‘Horse Latitude’ ?
(A) 5° N and 5° S
(B) 30°N–35°N—30°S – 35°S
(C) 60°N–65°N—60°S–65°S
(D) 70°N–75°N—70°S–75°S

105. What is the unit of measuring noise ?
(A) Decimel
(B) Noisemel
(C) Decibel
(D) Mesibel

106. What is the main occupation of the people of Taiga Region ?
(A) Hunting
(B) Cattle rearing
(C) Food gathering
(D) Lumbering

107. Which among the following countries is the largest importer of Iron-ore ?
(A) Germany
(B) Sweden
(C) Japan
(D) Australia

108. From which Lake does the river Nile rise ?
(A) Victoria
(B) Rudolf
(C) Nyasa
(D) Edward

109. What is the function of ‘Locks’ in Panama Canal ?
(A) Traffic control
(B) Raising the level of water
(C) Minimize shipping
(D) Avoid silting

110. The largest oil field of Iraq is—
(A) Al-Faw
(B) Haft-Sulaiman
(C) Kirkuk
(D) Khor-al-Amaya

111. Which South African race is called ‘a dying race’ ?
(A) Bantus
(B) Zulus
(C) Masai
(D) Pygmies

112. The leading producer of Jute in the world is—
(A) Bangladesh
(B) United Kingdom
(C) India
(D) Philippines

113. The leading importer of natural rubber in the world is—
(A) U.S.A.
(B) Canada
(C) Russia
(D) Germany

114. Which one of the following African countries is not landlocked ?
(A) Mali
(B) Zambia
(C) Chad
(D) Libya

115. In which of the following mountain range of South Africa are the world’s greatest gold fields located ?
(A) Raggeveldberg
(B) Groot Swartberg
(C) Witwatersrand
(D) Darkensburg

116. Tarim basin of Sikiang experience strong heat wave causing discomfort during early spring. The wind is popularly known as—
(A) Karaburan
(B) Kotabatic
(C) Chinook
(D) Fohn

117. For his model of industrial location, Weber makes use of—
(A) Isogons
(B) Isophenes
(C) Isodapanes
(D) Isotaches

118. In Christaller Central Place Theory for organisation of settlements, K = 4 denotes—
(A) Transport principles
(B) Market principles
(C) Administrative principles
(D) Economic principles

119. Which country among the following is the highest proportion of its electricity generation by nuclear plants ?
(A) U.S.A.
(B) U.K.
(C) France
(D) Germany

120. Which one of the following geographers has developed the idea of the ‘Mobility Transition’ ?
(A) L. A. Kosinski
(B) E. G. Ravenstein
(C) E. S. Lee
(D) W. Zelinskys

Answers with Hints
1. (A) Mississippi river system is the longest inland waterways in the world because it includes the waterways of Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee Arkansas and other tributaries of Mississippi river.
2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (B)
6. (D) The region which practices most intensive subsistence farming is Monsoon Asia.
7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (B)
10. (B) Hunting Instrument Harpoon is used by ‘Eskimo’.
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (A)
14. (C) ‘Karaganda’ is renowned coalfield of Kazakhstan.
15. (B) ‘Hebrew’ is the language of people of Israel.
16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (B) 20. (C)
21. (A) The maximum mica producing country is ‘India’.
22. (B)
23. (D) Tropical cyclones are known as Hurricanes in West Indies.
24. (C)
25. (A) The first major population cluster of the world is South Asia and second is Western Europe.
26. (C) 27. (C) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (C)
32. (C) Relative humidity is calculated by dry and wet bulb thermometer.
33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (D) 36. (A) 37. (C) 38. (D)
39. (A) City is cultural landscape whereas Crater, Waterfall and Alluvial fan are physical landscapes.
40. (B) 41. (C) 42. (D) 43. (B)
44. (A) ‘Circum-Pacific Ocean Belt’ is called ‘Ring of Fire’ because of vocanic erruption zone.
45. (D) 46. (D) 47. (B) 48. (B)
49. (C) Vanraji, Tharu and Boxa are the tribes of Uttarakhand. Gond is of Chhattisgarh. It does not belong to Uttarakhand.
50. (A) 51. (D) 52. (A) 53. (C) 54. (C) 55. (A) 56. (B) 57. (B)
58. (B) ‘The present is the key to the past’ was said by James Hutton.
59. (D) 60. (D) 61. (B) 62. (C)
63. (C) The Linear Scale suitable for reading a distance of 5 km, 10 m and 100 cm is diagonal scale.
64. (D) 65. (D) 66. (C) 67. (B) 68. (B) 69. (B) 70. (B) 71. (A) 72. (D) 73. (B)
74. (C) Krishnaraja Sagar dam is not meant for irrigation. It is located nearly Brindavan gardens for its fountains and swimming boating, duck shooting and fishing facilities.
75. (C) 76. (D) 77. (D) 78. (D)
79. (C) The Chenab River does not originate nearby the Manasarowar Lake (Tibet China). It originates from Himachal Pradesh in the form of two streams Chandra and Bhaga.
80. (A) 81. (B)
82. (B) Mangrove Vegetation in India is most extensively found in the Sunderbans.
83. (D) 84. (B) 85. (A) 86. (D) 87. (B) 88. (C)
89. (A) According to Census of India 2001 Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand has the lowest density of population i.e., 37 persons per sq. km.
90. (A) 91. (B) 92. (C) 93. (B) 94. (D)
95. (A) On March 28, 1999 a severe Earthquake occurred in and around Chamoli.
96. (A) 97. (C) 98. (D)
99. (A) Chamoli district of Uttarakhand state is the largest in size. It has 8030 sq km area.
100. (A) Champawat district of Uttarakhand is smallest in size. It cover 1766 sq km area.
101. (D) 102. (B) 103. (D)
104. (B) ‘Horse Latitudes’ are between 30°N–35°N and 30°S–35°S. It is a high pressure belt.
105. (C) Decibel is the unit of measuring noise.
106. (D) 107. (C) 108. (A) 109. (B) 110. (C) 111. (A) 112. (A) 113. (A)
114. (D) Mali, Zambia and Chad are land-locked countries of Africa. Libya is not land-locked country as it touches Mediterranean Sea in north.
115. (C) 116. (A) 117. (C)
118. (A) In Christaller Central Place Theory K = 4 denotes Transport principles.
119. (C)
120. (D) The idea of the Mobility Transition was developed by W. Zelinskys. He published a research article entitled ‘The Hypothesis of the Mobility Transition’ in Geographical Review Vol. 61, 1971, pp. 219. 49.

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