Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316 A.D.)

● Alauddin Khalji ascended the throne after getting his uncle Jalal-ud-din murdered.

● He was the first Turkish Sultan of Delhi who separated religion from politics. He proclaimed – “Kingship knows to Kingship.”

● Alauddin’s Imperialism : Alauddin annexed Gujarat (1298 AD), Ranthambhor (1301 AD), Mewar (1303 AD), Jalor (1311 AD). In Deccan, Alauddin’s army led by Malik Kafur defeated Yadavas of Devagiri, Kakatiyas of Warrangal, Hoysalas of Dwarsamudra and Pandyas of Madurai.

● Administrative Reforms : In order to avoid the problems created by the nobles, Alauddin issued four important ordinances. The First ordinance aimed at confiscation of the religious endowments and free grants of lands. By the second ordinance Ala-ud-din reorganised the spy system. A group of informers was created and their duty was to spy on all that happened in the Empire and submit reports to the Sultan. The third ordinance prohibited drinking of wine. The fourth ordinance issued by Alauddin laid down that nobles should not have social gatherings and they should not inter-marry without his permission.

● He introduced the system of Dagh or the branding of horse and Chehra or preparation of the descriptive role.

● Alauddin ordered that all land was to be measured and then the share of state was to be fixed. The post of special officer called ‘Mustakhraj’ was created for the purpose of collection of revenue.

● The peasants had to pay half the produce as land revenue.

● Alauddin wanted to fix cost of all commodities. For this purpose he set up three markets in Delhi. One Market for food grains, the second for costly clothes and the third for horses, ‘slaves’ and cattles. Each market was under the control of a high officer called Shahna who maintained a register of the merchants and strictly controlled the shopkeepers and the prices. The check on market was kept by two officers – Diwan-i-Riyasat and Shahna-i-Mandi.

● All goods for sale were brought to an open market called the Sarai-Adl.

● Many forts were built by him and the most important of them was Alai Fort. He also constructed the Alai Darwaza the entrance gate of Qutub Minar. He also built the palace of thousand pillars called Hazar Situn.

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