● Mohammad bin Tughlaq (1325-51) has been dubbed an ‘ill starred idealist’.
● During his reign, the Delhi Sultanate consisted of 13 Muqtas or provinces (Delhi, Deogiri, Lahore, Multan, Sirsa, Gujarat, Awadh, Kannauj, Lakhnauti, Bihar, Malwa, Jajnagar, Dwarsamudra).
● Ziauddin Barni mentioned his five experiments or campaigns.
● He transferred his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad. In 1330 he introduced a token currency (copper coin).
● After repulsing an attack of Mongols he planned to occupy Khurasan and Iraq. He organised a huge army but later disbanded it.
● His Qarachil expedition was launched in the Kumaon hills to counter chinese incursions. His army suffered heavy setbacks. He also organised the Kangra expedition.
● He instituted agricultural reforms. He fixed the land revenue at half the produce and not on the basis of produce. A famine occurred in the Doab region and relief came too late.
● He set up a separate department called ‘Diwan-i-amir-kohi’. He encouraged farmers to grow superior crops. He gave Sonadhar loans to farmers.
● His end came when he was in Thatta to quell one of the many rebellions that took place during this reign.
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