Firoz Tughlaq (1351-88 A.D.)

● Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq was succeeded by Firoz Tughlaq (1351-88).

● His policy aimed to appease the nobles.

● He led two unsuccessful campaigns in Bengal. He led a campaign against Jajnagar and desecrated the Jwalamukhi temple during his Nagarkot campaign. Earlier he had destroyed the Jagannath puri temple. 1300 manuscripts from the Jwalamukhi temple were translated from Sanskrit to Persian by, Arizuddin Khan under the title ‘Dalail-i-Firoz-Shahi’.

● He refused to exempt the Brahmins from the payment of Jaziya. He persecuted a number of heretical Muslim sects. He banned inhuman punishments. He prohibited Muslim women from going to worship in the grave of Saints. A brahmin was burnt publicly for questioning the Quran.

● He employed a large number of slaves in his karkhanas. He organised the ‘Diwan-i-Bandagan’ (department of slaves).

● He built cities like Hissar, Firoza, Firuzabad and Jaunpur. Ashokan pillars from Topra and Meerut were brought to Delhi.

● He built a number of canals (i) Sirsa to Hansi (ii) Sutlej to Dipalpur (iii) Yamuna to Sirmur.

● During his reign Kharaj (10% of produce) Zakat (alms for Muslims), Jaziya, Khams (20% of spoils of war) and Sharb (irrigation tax) were levied.

● He formed the Diwan-i-Khairat and built Dar-ul-Shafa or a charitable hospital.

● He introduced two new coins i.e. Adha (50% jital) and bikh (25% jital). Other coins prevalent during his period were shashgani (6 jitals) and Hastagani (48 jitals).

● His wazir was Khan-i-Jahan II as he had made the post hereditary. He introduced the hereditary principle even in this army.

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